Freebox Provider

A terraform provider to interact with the Freebox modem from the French internet service provider Free and built on top of free-go.


Generating credentials

The provider binary is equipped with an addional flag that toggles a special behavior. After a series of prompts to build the request the application will contact your Freebox to configure credentials and log them in your terminal.

First, head to the release page and download the latest provider according to your platform.

Then, decompress the archive and run the binary with the authorize argument, for example:

terraform-provider-freebox_v1.0.0 authorize

ℹ️ You might need to make the binary executable depending on your OS.

Then follow the prompts and you should get yourself a valid token to interact with your Freebox.

Configuring permissions

At the time of this writing, the managment of permissions can not be done via the API. It must be done manually through the freebox OS web UI.

If you need to change the default set of permissions, first head to and log in.

Then open the Paramètres de la Freebox menu, double click on Gestion des accès and switch to the Applications tab.

You should see the application you just registered earlier ; click on the Editer icon 🖉.

Finally, pick the permissions your application requires. For a basic usage the following ones are good enough:

  • Accès au gestionnaire de téléchargements
  • Accès aux fichiers de la Freebox
  • Modification des réglages de la Freebox
  • Contrôle de la VM


terraform {
  required_providers {
    freebox = {
      source = ""
provider "freebox" {
  endpoint    = ""
  api_version = "v10"



  • api_version (String) The version of the API to use (env: FREEBOX_VERSION) (default: "latest")
  • app_id (String, Sensitive) The ID of the application you created to authenticate to the Freebox (see the login documentation) (env: FREEBOX_APP_ID)
  • endpoint (String) The address of the Freebox (env: FREEBOX_ENDPOINT) (default: "")
  • token (String, Sensitive) The private token to authenticate to the Freebox (see the login documentation) (env: FREEBOX_TOKEN)